• Club Penguin News:


    Well Today I came back to Club Penguin and restarted this Blog. I hope you all forgive me for me leaving and I can assure you I am bnack and posting again! I must remind you that any few readers I still have aare incouraged to spread the word about this Blog as we are just back.

    Anyways recently in Club Penguin RockHopper has arrived along with a new Stage, Pin, and Coins for Change has re arrived just like me! For more information on these events check out my main post on this Blog.

    This is all I have for now! So keep Reading! And keep Coming!

  • Tip of The Week

    This Week's Tip of the Week is:

    When you log on too a server try choosing 2 or 3 bar servers as they are the fastest. This is because Club Penguin gives more prossecing power to every bar server except 1 bar server. And since 4 and 5 bar servers are to slow because they are busy 2 and 3 bar servers are your fastest option.

    Come back next week for your next Tip of The Week. And if you think you have an idea for a Tip Of the Week please comment on the newest post on this site, Enjoy!

  • Penguin Information

    Favourite Place- Ninja Hide Out (Flipping Emproime)
    Normal Colour- Black
    Country- Canada
    Normal Server- Snowbound and Glacier (Both Canadian)
    Age- 1018 days old
    Buddies- 30/100
    Status On Club Penguin- Offline
    Member- Yes

Party Ratings

Here I will give parties some ratings on what I think. Since I have been a member since March 2006 I will be able to give an actual decent rating. Each party will have a couple categories. Some have more then others and some have different ones depending on the party. I hope you enjoy this:

Winter Fiesta 


Well this party was ok in items. They had one item a re-make of last years maraca’s, except this party made the maraca’s look more like plastic then wood like the other ones. Still everyone enjoyed the maraca’s and that is what matters! 

Dceorations and Music: 8.7/10

Fantastic is all I have too say. Club Penguin really out did themselves this year. Decorating basicly everyone room with brand new deocrations and interactive pinata’s. Then they also added nice taco stands. Plus unlike most parties that happen more then once this one was completly different then last years decorations! The music this year was completly different.  They had in almost every room there was and it completly blended in with everything going on. In my opinon much better then last’s years.

 Timing: 5.2/10

The timing for this party was pretty good. I thought it would be better to wait a bit longger since we just finished Coins for Change and the Christmas party less then a month before. And then the whole Rockhopper crashing thing took the after party excitement. Sadly though it only lasted a weekend. Still this timing like others was pretty good.


This party was good, great decorations, spectacular music and a pretty good item. Club Penguin out did ther selves in almost every aspect. I really enjoyed this party even with only 1 item and a short amount of time. I hope you enjoyed this party aswell!

Christmas Party 2007

Items: 7/10

This party had great items! It has the Christmas antlers, Santa Hat and as everyone knows from the glitch they announced the Scarves coming out on December 24. This is great to people who didn’t get it during the glitch like me or weren’t here at December 2005. Honestly this party had great items! Plus they kept one Christmas item away from the party the Santa Beard, which was good to those who had them!

Decoration: 6.5/10

The decorations were pretty good! I loved how the outside of the Ski village was done. It made everything much more enjoyable. Then there is you being able to play with lights and things like that which rules. But the greatest decorations are at the cove where you meet Santa ton of people gather there and wait to meet him! But then there is the bad side. Not all rooms were decorated they left out a lot actually, and I liked the whole snow idea last year better. Still these decorations were pretty darn good.

Music: 8.5/10

This party had great music. It changes from room to room, which makes you feel so nice. The music in most rooms is pretty good too and the occasional no music can be relaxing after walking from room, to room taking screen shots :p The music also fits in with each room some classic rooms have classic music while something like the Cove has more of a rock type of music. Then they gave you more a verity in igloo’s which was a great bonus. I think this party had great music better then last’s years party!

Timing: 5/10

Well it was nearly perfect. Cane out a few days before Christmas which is great in-case you are busy closer to the Holidays. Then there is the whole Coins for Change thing. It helped a bit for the party looked like it blended in, and the bells for Coins for Change made it more Christmas like. I do think the timing was pretty good.

Overall: 80/100

What can I say about this party. It was the best, the way items came in and Coins for Change really gave it more popularity. The there was the nice music which realy made people love this party. Lastly, well this party was just great in all aspects. So that is my rating on the Christmas Party 2007!


Western Party November 2007:

 Items:  2.5/10

This party only coppied items from the old party. No new items were given out and the majorty of items were backgrounds! Sure most loved these items but, for some who were here the first time this party wasn’t good at all when looking at items.

 Decorations: 6/10

 I enjoyed these decorations some were pretty good. although the first time around they were much better, these were pretty well done. The Cove and Forest were the best part.  They showed creativity and you could intiract with some items unlike the first party. Over all the Decorations weren’t that bad!

Timing: 4/10

The timing wasn’t the best. With our yellow puffles popping up everywhere and the stage not being to old and still pretty crowded it made the party much to busy. And general timing didn’t fit in, I mean Christmas was coming in about a month and yet they bring in a party with cowboys. The timing could have been better.

 Overall:  35/100

This party was one of the worst I have seen. Bad timing, items were all old plus with the dissapointment of no free items at the stage. And well decorations although pretty good, could have been a bit better music and more of it. So what can I say this is pretty much what I thought of the Western Party!

3 Responses

  1. I say you shoundn’t blame the clubpenguin cratures blame clubpenguin members.

    Kevinslip: I understand you like the Club Penguin staff but they are to blame for they come up with idea’s. And still it was a party I rate I am not rating all of Club Penguin am I??? No just the party.

  2. we need the underwater party!!!

  3. i hate it when they bring bak items

    Kevinslip: I don’t mind as long as they bring new items for us with older ones since we have pins and party hats which will never come back.

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